Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Monte or Nice

Monte or Nice
A routine by: George Buckley
Produced and Distributed by Mirth -n- Magic™
Today this card trick is know as "This n That" and also Krisper’s "Colour Monte". Credits for the
trick go to Ed Marlo’s “Quick Three Way” display and Bill Elliot who used the move in a trick named
"Three Card Monkey Business" (1957) and Jim Temple’s “Colour Monte” (1968). “Colour Monte” is a
classic effect and should be in every magician’s “bag of tricks”, it is truly one of the great card effects.
The Magician asks if the spectator has been “Naughty” or “Nice” this year. He informs the audience
that he has come up with a card trick to predict which one a spectator has been. A spectator is chosen.
Three cards are shown front and back. Spectator is shown that there are two nice cards and one naughty
card. “But”, the magician states, “That’s not how Santa actually works”. He states that Santa knows when
we have been naughty and shows that there are three naughty cards. He states that Santa knows when
you’ve been nice and then shows that there are three nice cards. The magician then places the three cards
face down on the table. He then allows the spectator to choose a card, with a little guidance, head nodding,
and a wink. One is “Naughty”, one is “Nice” and the other is the “Easter Bunny”.

Item donated by George Buckley
To request a digital copy of this document just send an email to Wes Iseli 

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